6 January 2008

GGIP in 2007


In 2007 the GGIP campaign further developed:

  1. The creation of the GGIP online shop offering a range of GGIP merchandise
  2. The 2007 GA Conference was a great success for the GGIP
  3. Noel Jenkins @ Juicy Geography came across Studiobenben offering geographical postcards for students to take away when visiting another country. The campaign raised $46 for GGIP and The Darfur Wall. (more info here)
  4. BBC actually used the word Geographers! (see here)
  5. The GGIP online form was setup to encourage debate and empower supporters
  6. The GGIP super scheme was launched to support Primary School teaching of Geography (should be ready early 2008)
  7. GGIP in bookshops, a very successful sub campaign highlighting the lack of "geography" sections in many bookshops.
  8. The GGIP on Radio 6, with Jo Norcup promoting Geography
  9. The Hand of Geog was born and was seen on TV by millions at Live Earth
  10. The GGIP campaigned for Geography to be in the title of the BBC's new planet documentary
  11. The "G team" found the G Spot at Glastonbury
  12. Ken Livingstone was the latest high profile supporter of the GGIP campaign
  13. The birth of Guerrilla Geography will surly be a huge hit with geographers in 2008
  14. The launch of the "Our World Film Festival" again another key theme for 2008

Good Luck in 2008