6 December 2006

Use your Geography to change history...

Your links to people and places can change them forever.
Use your Geography to change history.

Make a difference to the people, places and environments of 2007 in 7 daily steps to…

…control the global trade of weapons
The 'Million Faces' is a visual petition - a way for you to show your concern about the spread of arms. Our aim is to collect one million photos and self-portraits of people from around the world.

...call an end to modern slavery
Today slavery affects millions of people around the world. By signing the Declaration you can be part of a new mass movement for change. We are collecting signatures to show support for the fight for freedom campaign.

...increase freedom of information for people worldwide
Chat rooms monitored. Blogs deleted. Websites blocked. Search engines restricted. People imprisoned for simply posting and sharing information.

…educate conflict effected children
Over 43 million children living with the effects of conflict can't go to school. Yet education is the very thing that could keep them safe, give them and their countries hope, and transform their lives. Help us rewrite the future and bring quality education to the children who need it most.

…increase people’s access to HIV medicine
In poor countries nearly 7 million people have developed HIV to the extent they urgently need medicines. Half of those that get the drugs they need rely on cheaper generic medicines made in India. Giant drug company Novartis is challenging Indian Patent Law in the courts. If they win, this will limit India’s ability to produce and export cheaper drugs to other developing countries. http://www.oxfam.org.uk/what_you_can_do/campaign/mtf/actions/novartis.htm

…fight climate change
The UK government is failing to take the necessary action to prevent the chaos that climate change will cause. That's why together we have launched the I Count campaign.

…educate the decision makers of tomorrow to understand our world
Geography as a subject has never been more relevant than it is now. Modern Geography engages people in debates about issues that are constantly headlining the media - migration, water shortages, natural hazards, famine, globalisation, sustainable energy, transport policy, employment, crime, urban deprivation, global warming. Sadly Geography is undervalued by decision makers and the media. Help change this by showing your support for the subject.

Give Geography its Place, December 2006. Pass it on.

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